Alex Milton: Software Engineer

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About Me

Hi i'm Alex, a personal trainer and case manager turned trainee software engineer based in Sydney. I love developing interactive systems from applications and websites to games.

Outside of coding, I enjoy painting minatuires, desiging games, and doing archery.

Languages and Stacks









Spring Boot








Employee Creator

A full stack application utilising a React TS front end and A Spring backend connected to a MySQL DB. This application allows users to Create, modify, access, and delete employees/employee information. Features, include listing employees, creating new employees and autofilling forms for editing existing employees. My first real forray into a full stack project it has been a fun, insightful and exciting learning expereience.

Employee Creator
React Web Store

React Web Store

A small video game e-commerce site that pulls information from a firestore database regarding product data. The User is able to add products to cart and "purchase" them, reducing the quantity in stock in the database a user can add multiple items to the cart, change quantity and remove items from the cart. Additional features include: Product carosel, Individual product pages, Suggested product cards, and a Selectable game system type (i.e. XBox)

Graphical Mine Sweeper

A fully GUI minesweeper game built in java using jframe and jpanel. Implementing menus allowing players to select their difficulty (Easy, medium, or Hard) each progressively increasing the map size and bomb count. The end menu allows players to re-try a new game at the same difficulty, select a new difficulty or exit the application. The gameplay loop is that of the classic minesweeper game with players clearing cells by left clicking them. These cells cascade if no bombs are nearby. Once a cell is revealed it will display how many mines exist adjacent to the cell. Players can right click to flag a square to mark it as containing a mine. if a player left clicks on a mined cell the game is over and all mine locations are revealed. If a player successfully clears all cells then they win the game. Upon game over win or loss the game's result win or loss, the games difficulty and the remaining unrevealed safe cells are saved into a saveFile.

Graphical Mine Sweeper
Fake OS (Windows 10)

Fake OS (Windows 10)

A one-page-app written in Vanilla Java Script built to mimic the look and feel of the windows 10 desktop. The application includes a working start button and a real-time date/time clock. Additonally Three "Apps" are included. These apps can be opened and close via the desktop icon or the start menu icons or, if minimised, the task bar icons. Further details can be found in the on GitHub.

Morse Code Translator

A simple morse -> english/ english -> morse translator written in vanilla JavaScript that is able to detect which is being inputed and translated it to the other. It is able to translate letters, numerals, and special characters.



A one page application built in Vanilla Java Script that utilises the google books API to display a range of books based on the users search term. A next and previous button allow the user to navigate the results of the searchers per pages of 30. Additionally, when a user clicks on one of the book cards, a larger module is displayed providing further information around the selected book.

Castle Smasher

A 3D Destruction Based Game built using Unreal Engine 5. Currently in a very early state with a basic level system, menu, objectives, highscore, and destruction. The intention is to make a fully simulated physics game where the player commands a peice of seige equipment such as a cannon and knocks down the castle. Utilising Unreal's Chaos Destruction to facillitate the castle destruction allows for enhanced real time destruction and physics simulation for various materials and projectiles.

interactive Story Project


Gwydion is an Interactive story project built using Jquery that explores ideas of eusociality, consciousness and AI. Whilst heavily story based Gwydion allows the player to interact at key points within the narrative responding to situations in different ways and ultimately effecting the outcome of the story.

Uni Student Portal (Group Project)

A simple web application built using LIT that links to a Macquarie University backend and other third party api's where users can send (if logged in) and receive blog posts and utilize a variety of simple widgets

Uni Student Portal
UX Design Project

UX Design Project

A small and simple JQuery application built with a focus on UX, visual design and accessibility. The contents of this website speak of world building techniques and ideas.

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